Friday, October 27, 2017

History of The Youth Pledge

| Friday, October 27, 2017
Historical events Soempah Pemoeda or Youth Pledge is an acknowledgment of the Indonesian Youths who pledged one homeland, one nation and one language. Youth Pledge was read on October 28, 1928 result of formulation of Density Pemoeda-Pemoeda or Youth Congress II Indonesia which until now every year is commemorated as Youth Pledge Day.
The Youth Congress II was held three sessions in three different places by the Indonesian Student Association (PPPI) organization which consists of students from all over Indonesia. The congress was attended by representatives of youth organizations, namely Jong Java, Jong Batak, Jong, Celebes, Jong Sumatranen Bond, Jong Islamieten Bond, Jong Ambon, etc. and observers from young Chinese such as Kwee Thiam Hong, John Lauw Tjoan Hok, Oey Kay Siang and Tjoi Djien Kwie.
The idea of ​​holding the Second Youth Congress comes from the Indonesian Student Student Association (PPPI), a youth organization with members from all over Indonesia. At the initiative of the PPPI, the congress was held in three different buildings and divided into three meetings.
The first meeting, Saturday, October 27, 1928, in the House Katholieke Jongenlingen Bond (KJB), Waterlooplein (now Field Banteng). In his speech, PPPI chairman Sugondo Djojopuspito hoped the congress could strengthen the spirit of unity in the hearts of the youth. The event continued with the description of Moehammad Yamin on the meaning and relationship of union with the youth. According to him, there are five factors that can strengthen the unity of Indonesia, namely history, language, customary law, education, and will.
The second meeting, Sunday, October 28, 1928, at the Oost-Java Bioscoop Building, discussed the issue of education. Both speakers, Poernomowoelan and Sarmidi Mangoensarkoro, argue that children should receive national education, there must be a balance between education at school and at home. Children also need to be educated in a democratic.
At the closing meeting, at the Gedung Indonesische Clubgebouw at Jalan Kramat Raya 106, Sunario explained the importance of nationalism and democracy in addition to the scouting movement. While Ramelan argued, scouting movement can not be separated from the national movement. Scouting movements from an early age educate children of discipline and independence, things that are needed in the struggle. 

The Youth Congress committee consists of:
Chairman: Soegondo Djojopoespito (PPPI)
Vice Chairman: R.M. Djoko Marsaid (Jong Java)
Secretary: Mohammad Jamin (Jong Sumateranen Bond)
Treasurer: Amir Sjarifuddin (Jong Bataks Bond)
Assistant I: Djohan Mohammad Tjai (Jong Islamieten Bond)
Assistant II: R. Katja Soengkana (Pemoeda Indonesia)
Maid III: Senduk (Jong Celebes)
Assistant IV: Johanes Leimena (yong Ambon)
Maid V: Rochjani Soe'oed (Pemoeda Kaoem Betawi)

• Abdul Muthalib Sangadji
• Purnama Wulan
• Abdul Rachman
• Raden Soeharto
• Abu Hanifa
• Raden Soekamso
• Adnan Kapau Gani
• Ramelan
• Amir (Dienaren van Indie)
• Saerun (Keng Po)
• Anta Permana
• Sahardjo
• Anwari
• Sarbini
• Arnold Manonutu
• Sarmidi Mangunsarkoro
• Assaat
• Sartono
• Bahder Djohan
• S.M. Kartosoewirjo
• Dali
• Setiawan
• Darts
• Sigit (Indonesische Studieclub)
• Dien Pantouw
• Siti Sundari
• Djuanda
• Sjahpuddin Latif
• Dr. Pijper
• Sjahrial (Adviseur voor inlandsch Zaken)
• Emma Puradiredja
• Soejono Djoenoed Poeponegoro
• Halim
• R.M. Djoko Marsaid
• Hamami
• Soekamto
• Jo Plant
• Soekmono
• Joesoepadi
• Soekowati (Volksraad)
• Jos Masdani
• Soemanang
• Kadir
• Soemarto
• Karto Menggolo
• Soenario (PAPI & INPO)
• Kasman Singodimedjo
• Soerjadi
• Koentjoro Poerbopranoto
• Soewadji Prawirohardjo
• Martakusuma
• Soewirjo
• Masmoen Rasid
• Soeworo
• Mohammad Ali Hanafiah
• Suhara
• Mohammad Nazif
• Sujono (Volksraad)
• Mohammad Roem
• Sulaeman
• Mohammad Tabrani
• Suwarni
• Mohammad Tamzil
• Tjahija
• Muhidin (Pasundan)
• Van der Plaas (Dutch Government)
• Mukarno
• Wilopo
• Muwardi
• Wage Rudolf Soepratman
• Miss Tumbel
The formulation of the Youth Oath was written by Moehammad Yamin on a paper when Mr. Sunario, as a scouting messenger, was speaking at the last session of the congress. The oath was initially read out by Soegondo and later described at length by Yamin.
The Content of Youth Oath The results of the Second Youth Congress are as follows:
FIRST: We are Poetera and Poeteri Indonesia, Berekoe Bertoempah Blood Jang Satoe, Tanah Indonesia. (Our Son and Princess Indonesia, Confessing to Blood One. 
so is this short history, if any errors in this writing please apologize and thank you.
Information news:
Happy 89th day Youth Pledge  "indonesian youth dare to unite"

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