Friday, October 27, 2017

Question about Smart Indonesia Card, read here now

| Friday, October 27, 2017
Who is the organizer of the Smart Indonesia Program?
PIP is a collaboration of three ministries, namely Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud), Ministry of Social Affairs (Kemensos), and Ministry of Religious Affairs (Kemenag)
What is the purpose of PIP?
PIP is designed to help school-aged children from poor / vulnerable poor / priority families still get education services to end secondary education, either through formal education (from elementary school to senior high school / vocational school / MA) and non-formal education Package A up to Package C as well as standardized courses).
Through this program the government seeks to prevent learners from the possibility of dropping out of school, and is expected to attract drop out students to continue their education.
PIP is also expected to ease the educational personal costs of learners, either directly or indirectly
Why should there be a Smart Indonesia Card (KIP?
KIP is given as a marker / identity of PIP education assistance recipients.
This card provides assurance and assurance of school-age children registered as recipients of educational assistance.
Each child receiving PIP education assistance is only entitled to 1 (one) KIP.
What if poor students have not received KIP?
Students may register by bringing their Prosperous Family Card (KKS) to the nearest educational institution.
If the student does not have KKS, his / her parents can request a Certificate of Unsecure (SKTM) from RT / RW and Village / Village in advance to complete the registration requirements.
What is the PIP benefit amount?
1. SD / MI / Paket A students get Rp450.000, - / year;
2. Students of Junior High School / MTs / Package B get Rp750.000, - / year;
3. Students of SMA / SMK / MA / Paket C get Rp1.000.000, - / tahun.
Detailed amounts for the final grade at each level can be found at the Guide to the implementation of the PIP Kemendikbud of 2016
What are the Obligations of PIP Beneficiaries?
1. Store and keep KIP well;
2. PIP is an educational aid. The Benefit Fund should be used for the relevant purposes;
3. Continue to study and attend school (not dropping out) with diligence, discipline and diligence.
What are the uses of PIP funds?
PIP funds can be used to help students' personal expenses, such as purchasing school supplies / courses, pocket money and transportation costs, additional practical fees and competency test fees.
What if KIP is lost / damaged?
Cards are the responsibility of the owner. If KIP is lost / damaged, the card owner may immediately contact PIP complaint contact.
For new card replacements, the owner is required to notify the KIP number and include an identity.
Is there an agency that oversees the implementation of PIP?
There is. In addition to internal supervision of schools / educational institutions, external supervision is conducted by the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK), Inspectorate General (Itjen) Ministry of Education and Culture, and BPKP.
Communities may also assist with the supervision of PIP by reporting what is considered inappropriate to the complaint contact.

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